Thursday, November 25, 2010

School Runescape 2010

Status Symbol

Anyway, whatever people may say as long as people continue to go to church to be baptized and marry the Pope will be so convinced of having hordes of the faithful to follow him. And then to be important. Let me be clear, everyone is very free to practice their religion. Exactly
practice. Which means, but maybe I misunderstood I do not always practice when there is only half of the organization of a party with lots of boxes and host of presenzianti because so much about the criticism after the favor essersela grabbed but want to put that scene? O Christmas Eve because the mica you want to lose the liturgy and go for free. Or for the last rites, never know who knows.
It 's a bit like that no I'm not superstitious but meanwhile a touch at the right time if the damage to the balls anyway (see above).
the course goes a bit 'to all religions, and various superstitions.
And I think sometimes we are just cowards.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Remember When Swinging On The Swings Meant

Parodissea second

Photo: Maurizio Cattelan

Never mind the fact that L'Osservatore Romano (no, no link
tie ') has violated the embargo on the interview.
Never mind the fact that any breathed issues is
immediately translated into news implying, even taking for
assume that it is of great interest and are all ready to
listen and bathrobe for it worse than before the gates of
H & ; M this morning.
Never mind also that the end always goes round and round the 'you go ah ah
parry and continues to strive to impose a control
births (' cause this is still even in reverse)
opposed to only something that really can 'control.
But someone should tell the Pope and not 'understand' cause we love if we
then to force cigarette butts, a bevy of babes
while he and his clique no. As usual all good
sit with the others. And speaking of asses, just 'cause never really believe that then
opening of the Catholic view today
was keen to reiterate that the homosexual' and 'amoral. Other
translate well to the interview as they see fit.
Perhaps it would be well to explain to the Holy See that
freedom 'personal property whose highest respect and'
in contradiction with the express moral judgments on them let alone impose one
director. For heaven's sake ' everyone can 'have an opinion and then
also believe that the use of each of their holes (yes' G.
you've stolen the term) must necessarily provide
instructions dictated by an invisible entity. But then pretend that these are followed by a collective
(possibly large
n tends to infinity) with no possibility 'of choice seems to me to be called in another way ...
Ah, but 'real choice there': to burn in Hell.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How Much Cloth Is Needed To Make Anarkali Suit

intangible heritage of humanity

Courtesy of Manuela Carretta

From ground
that music comes from the earth, is the contention
the assault,
thrust from the dark of the arteries of the planet.
is by the preponderance of fire,
confused by the language of deposits of minerals
That music is as blind as the roots,
stubborn as the seeds. Sa
ground as the mouth of a corpse, and

comes from the earth belongs to the earth: geologic resonance.
That music is as dark as the bark,
compact like diamonds.
have not: show the voracious
certainty of what is alive, which goes by the dizziness

substrate to the natural disaster that cries. That

music tells the hole that opens her ancestry in men.
That music is such a hole, a hollow claim that the first gulf
(Flamenco, Francisca Aguirre )

Carmen Amaya represents blood and spirit.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Wordpress How To Unsubscribe


smile, but then I get lost in a sea of \u200b\u200bthoughts ...

Thanks to its unbeatable Annamaria Head for the suggestion

Monday, November 8, 2010

Dizziness With Hot Flashes

first look inside

I'm around Google I really enjoyed it. Maybe because I am in Germany, and then it seemed more beautiful, but the words "to X-ray " to commemorate the discovery by Wilhelm Rontgen in 1895 I found it effective. At that time several scientists were there that we turned them around, but between a CRT and the other was the German physicist who had the final insight. As usual, the exclamation: "Well! That was it, I was there almost there, too," but here he comes to us seriously. The gnawing and colleagues in 1901 took home the Nobel Prize, to be right next to the right hand of the holy lady Rontgen a photo so that certainly had never been done before.

The hand of Bertha Roentgen radiographed. The picture was published in the New York Times January 16, 1896

Now imagine a second experiment (referred to in a nutshell): in a vacuum tube subjected to high voltage electrical discharges are produced some. Since everything is covered with a dark cloth you should not see anything. But the scientist notes that a slab of barium platinocianuro emits fluorescence in the vicinity every time part of a discharge; gulp. For then the same type radiation Rontgen that belonged just did not know so much so that he called them "X-ray."
certainly see the effects for the first time must have been disconcerting and shocking: the photos already fascinated normal, but the ability to see things and people "from within" was quite another thing. On the other hand, if you still sell glasses to look through clothing for ladies and gentlemen it is easy to say what could arise in the imagination of those present at the time (ordinary mortals, but scientists were already taken and all in raptures for a new golf explore). Indeed
X-rays have the amazing and attempts voyeur party, allow to obtain information about the number of X-rayed. Their application, in fact, is not only the medical diagnosis. Increasingly in the art of restoration, for example, uses this type of scan to examine the works: being able observe the internal structure in the case of artefacts and sculptures, to see what lies behind the image "official" in case of the paintings. E 'in this way can also help in identifying the damaged parts of a picture and discover the fakes.

This instead I made it (not the X-ray) in a show some time ago at the Picasso Museum in Paris. Have you ever wondered how it is made into a sculpture?

And then there are those like Nick Veasey X-ray is the artistic creations and not satisfied with the simple camera and goes around with a contraption that looks like the Ghostbusters.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Pain Under Left Shoulder Blade In Back

A gift for a dear friend

want to show a new work, prepared for a dear amica.Serve to put the needles, thread, pins and scissors.

Describe the phases of work: