2011 RACE STARBOARD SUP 12'6 "X 31.5" The design of the Race are designed to excel in various conditions, from chop to flat water, white water from the lakes. The 12'6 "x 31.5". It 's a table suitable for riders heavier than normal but who wants to compete with agonist. Length 12'6 " (381.0 cm) Width
31.5 " (80 cm)
Tail Width 6.4" (16.3 cm)
Volume (290 L)
Italy, after having launched the first Italian championship SUP (race & wave) in 2010, presents the 2011 edition.
All associations who might intend to organize an event of SUP, not only races but also events related to the pure sports promotion and to be part of the initiatives sponsored by Surfing Italy, they can write to: sup@surfingitalia.org
Lazio, Sabazia - Lake Bracciano, 05 June CONFIRMED
Lazio Ostia, TB
Lazio, Fregene, TB
Sardinia - Capo Mannu - S'Arena Scoada, CONFIRMED
Sardinia - Alghero, TB
Emilia Romagna - CONFIRMED Tuscany, Talamone - CONFIRMED Puglia, Bari, Puglia CONFIRMED May 8, May 29 Frassanito CONFIRMED
Marche, Sirolo, 11/12 June CONFIRMED
* Special Regulation for the Regionals in the definition phase, soon online at: www.surfingitalia.org
ASA * \u200b\u200bAll interested can apply for entry to stop writing : sup@surfingitalia.org
NATIONAL RACE (4 stages)
1) Puglia, Bari 18/19 June
2) Veneto, Venice July 10
3) Lazio, S. Severa / 29 / 31 July
ISE 4) FINAL CHAMPIONSHIP RACE SUP - (spot being defined) September
SUP-WAVE 2011 (3 stages) 1) Tuscany Ansedonia - May 15 aprile/15
2) Sardinia, Alghero - 01/30 June
3) Liguria, Andora - Final League - October 30/01 WP * These may vary during of the season.
Events, Shows, Surfing Contest and Festival reported from Italy: ITALY
SURFING COURSE SUP STAR Fair Levante Bari, 10/09 April
INT DAY SURFING, all the coasts' Italy, June 19, 2011
ITALIAN SURF EXPO, S. Severa 29, 30, 31 July 2011
FROZEN OPEN 2011, Red Island, Marinedda - August 2011 SARDINIA LONGBOARD OPEN Int + Longboard Event, Mini Head, Capo Mannu, Sa Mesa Longa - Sept / October 2011
SURFING AWARDS ITALY "Plus Edition", January 2012
* Additional Special Events will be added during the 2011 season, for more information: sup@surfingitalia.org
Source: www.surfingitalia.org
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