Monday, March 7, 2011
Left Shoulder Pain Heart Thumps
Brief info sull'EXPO LEVANTE It 's the international exhibition for leisure, sport, tourism and holidays, a festival dedicated to lovers of hobbies and DIY, travel, outdoor life, physical activity, leisure and sport. An important container in the middle of the Mediterranean this year has many new features, including pavilions dedicated entirely to sports and athletic activities with national and international competitions. Another new feature is the live streaming of the fair, in fact, thanks to pioneer and leader RADIONDASTEREO in the field of direct streaming from the pad 129 will be sent direct the activities.
Sport is a value, lifestyle, education and culture, is a right but also economy, tourism, employment, entertainment and redevelopment and land development. SURFING part ITALY this and proposes a major project to promote sport as an instrument of socialization and individual and collective wellbeing. After the huge success of STAND UP PADDLE, sport has now become trendy, was born the first instructor course which aims aims of huge social, educational, cultural, recreational, but also employment.
For the first time on Italian soil will take a course instructors made the experience of surfing ITALY, an institution in the organization of sports competitions and boards, and qualified instructors recognized by one of the companies technical stuff like Beppe Cuscianna and Nicola Abatescianni. The two athletes have been recognized by STARBOARD as a master trainer and trend setter for Italy because of their commendable initiatives, for the promotion, dissemination el 'increase of the practitioners. A completely new course, leaving the usual fees, which will not only create instructors but true professionals and experts in the dissemination and practice of sport. Teaching, technical and management are the key words for the course instructors most comprehensive ever in the history of surfing.
The course is intended for those who want to concentrate energy and social commitment.
The project grew out of two teams share ideas and experiences. It is through this that you could create a program that aims the increase of new recruits and passing, from teaching to practice, from marketing to safety at sea, from fun to feel like doing sports.
The good intentions of the organizers require a significant investment in marketing, in fact the whole project will be supported by communication activity on a large scale that will be achieved through an advertising campaign conveyed to magazines, Internet sites dedicated to TV-radio streaming. At the end of the project will be carried out reviews of closure of the activities that will make the event only the beginning of a long series of other such activities.
ITALY SUP SURFING STAR project is aimed at the promotion, aimed at increasing the disclosure of new followers in the STAND UP PADDLE SURF.
The project includes a course for instructors with the patent is granted in conjunction with SURFING ITALY STARBOARD one of the leading brands in the industry.
The project aims to clear-cut objectives:
- Training Instructors are competent and trained;
Increase sport;
- to increase racing activities in the two disciplines and wave race;
- ; Implementation of the National Italian SUP;
- appointed observers for the Italian national team selection race / wave;
- train qualified personnel that may arise in villages with programs;
- selection of the centers participating in the project SUP surfing STAR can be introduced into the smart box package;
- ; Participation in a demonstration national sponsorship of the official making a Paddle Surf "SUP-ER DEMO DAY" with all participants in the project. (Event to be defined).
To those who are preparing to take the course instructors will be sensitized to the popularization of the sport with promoting the area in order to apply for grants or sponsorship from public or private.
The course instructors SUP SURFING ITALY STAR follow-up step by step the efforts of schools in order to monitor the development activity, will be continuously updated information through the network but also will leave as a method of sharing information and useful material for future instructors and students. It is the responsibility of instructors to advise any SUP STAR athletes to be included in the national and workplace. (
The course includes: Course maritime safety and first aid;
paddling techniques;
- course of preparation for the construction of a press release or advertorial
- ; Preparation advertising marketing to build a SUP PADDLE BOARD DEMO DAY COURSE or
- Guide to communication, safety and education of the Paddle Surf
- ideas for turning a passion into work.
A review of school opening up national magazine (TIME SUP) and global (SUP JOURNAL)
A review of closure activities on national magazine (TIME SUP) and global (SUP JOURNAL)
- ; Participation a national event as promoters of the official making a Paddle Surf "SUP-ER DEMO DAY" with all participants in the project. (Event to be defined)
- Site dedicated to the schools for the promotion and sending the information (photos, articles, ect ect)
- A review of field sites with support sites (ITALIAN AND FOREIGN)
- A review in TV-Radio streaming on the work done periodically.
The course fee is 197 € to be paid on current account made payable ASD Big Air Cod iban IT34C0760104000000006543136
before 6 April 2011 stating the reason the course instructors, or dismissing the entire amount at the time of on site. Priority will be given to those who makes a deposit on the c / c.
For those who make payments on current account is required to scan photos or send email :
Program of the day:
10:00 h start teaching
11:45 h recovery activities Teaching
- 13:00 h lunch break
- h 14 : 30 logins technical and practical
- 16:00 h logout
For all info:
in the schools and instructors
Coming from the north ss16:
FAIR EAST OF PORT Follow the directions on the road. They are very precise.
Follow the directions on the road. They are very precise. Coming from the north:
Exit BARI NORD motorway, take exit direction ss16 Foggia,
Follow the instructions presented on road. They are very precise.
There will be shuttle bus service as an alternative There are taxi. Travel time 10 min.
There will be shuttle bus service, alternatively there are taxis. Travel time 10 min.
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