Friday, September 19, 2008

How To Make Wahoo Board


give birth every two months after a useless result of my daily news and pictures from fantasy ..... pardon the extreme lightness of the subject, is a crap ... but I submit to you sisters and friends a question that haunts me: do you think it is possible that, among so many deserving plaintiffs, including many good and pretty girl, the ' actress' s years "is this one ??????
For the record is Rumer Willis, daughter of Demi Moore and Bruce ... I've seen acting eh nn ... I do not know how, maybe it's also good !.... but ... watching them .. I doubt that the huge rises mami and papi have given a significant nudge the young infant. I know it sounds a post
pure gossip, but really wanted to express my disgust for the world as recommended in Hollywood as in Italy ... and only nn in film, we prove to the work .... is it possible?
Anyway, passatemela, nn I could hold for me is ... what will the weather that depresses me, that will be here every day is more delusional thoughts come out sti ...
chau! Kiss to everyone!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Swot Analysis For Hair Salons

veeeeciaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!

eeeeeppi brthdei you iuuuuuu
eeeeeppi brthdei you iuuuuuu
eeeeeppi brthdei diarrhea paaaatty
eeeeeppi brthdei iuuuuuu you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and sisters from all the blogs in cyberspace!
: *!
(seeeei twenty-twenty-twenty seeeei seeeeiiiiii!! Ghghgh you're finally old woman like me! No more I succeed!: D!)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

(b) Individual Investorsfrontier Markets

horrors on the web

The Down (Ma. You removed the blog! That memory is ultimately ????) probably kill me, but I could not make known to posterity nn the horror of this picture ....
On the left you can "see" the undersigned, below there now I nn + link and Anna, our other friend .. context: local, semicostoso also assume, but I managed to found nn, close to Viale Ceccarini Riccione ... While we tried to order a
caipiroska preventing them to pay us x, there is a photographer arrives, which we propose to do some photos in a newspaper .. x we \u200b\u200ball gassed the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing published, we exalt and we put on for .. The first photo on the steps of the restaurant is also good, but the photographer sets out to do a close-up .. we, we felt that now part of starsystem, we accept that the sin .. Down, + wrong when he could choose, decide to be attracted to the menu of sushi:
"Anna, but here are also sushi?? Buooono!"
and the photographer: "Preview?"
"Siiiii! Crazy!"
"but you can take it! NN compliments do!"
"but ...."
"sisi, you can take it! Indeed, let us ask first to the bartender: baristaaa, may take the Coconut Heads to take a picture??"
Disconcert The bartender looks at us, and we finally understand the misunderstanding .. June spoke of the sushi and she was convinced that she liked it so surprising that those obscene coconut head ... needless to say that I followed one thousand attempts refusal of Jun and other thousand "but you nn of probleem! you like it take it take it" by the photographer, and the result was this:
can not see, but I was killing me with laughter, as we said, "more viciine !'s it! well mashed with coconut cheeks .. perfect! "
Needless to say, the horrible pictures nn has been published, and our shining starlet's career was cut short by a head of c. .. Occo too;)!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cover For 2010 Yamaha Waverunner Vx110

ferragosto Patty and Selma, revenge

Aaalura .. x hatch first ask the interminable time elapsed between the first and second episode, but here the "faults" are many, first and foremost on my PC that died (in fact I'm writing in a shady time off from work) and facebook, but you do not know xchè is absorbing the remaining hours fooling around (bop, I challenge a word nn game more! I are exceeding all) said .. .. back to this tragedy that we were talking about .. even if, as expected, the time seems to have slightly blurred memories, x we \u200b\u200bare already losing the pieces (on the other hand we have finally realized what we need to put the blog .. x writing all the absurdities that occur before they happen to forget ..)
were left at the crucial moment of fantozzi "camping" (in quotation marks, you'll understand why soon) Patty and Selma .. the two, exhausted by the few hours of sleep, by aftermath of August, cold and rainy bagnaticcie, nn eager to reach their beloved tent x finally pass a good night's sleep simildecente and stretch your legs without blocking the movement .. strange in that moment the horrible camping / camp view processes with muddy pitch seemed a paradise ...

Happy and cooked, parked the car outside the nomads (xchè then there must also be said that we had paid no less than 5 euros per day x the car parking, too bad they were in times of hens, where all x ' now that we returned the car we could + nn be put in, it is said EXPENDITURE PROFIT), go down and head to the tent ...
"Patty, pulls out the key to lock the tent! "
" I ?????? Selma, but look what I've got No not me !!!!"
"ah, boh, then there 's I have, that t is no try ... mmmh! "
" ah well, will be in the car then "
" sisi, sure .. cerchiamola there! "
So .. , x short ... nn we could not believe twenty times !!!!! We emptied the bags, removed the car, moved the seats, removing the floor mats, x looked at the ground, but nothing! for it is blessed key nn was!
And the ridiculous thing was that with not miss (no comment) we had tied to a key ring GIANT, those to the neck, and positioned between the two seats in the car ... the last sighting of that went back that afternoon, when the two hapless said: "capers, that key should be moved from there and put somewhere safe + ", but the two remained, of course, nn remembered if they had done or even just thought, let alone where ever they could put it .. the fact is that there was nn in the car, and not even in the bags.

So two poor, tired, smelly, were found at 4 am again without a place to go, but what is worse is that while they were also paying a (horrible) camping (other expenses PROFIT) .. .
What to do?? The immediate reaction was hysterical laughter mixed with disbelief, then in the "mind" of the two, and reached a floor at the bottom is where the key can never be blessed?? Is not that we go from many parts .. if you fall nn is here (God only knows how) and we opened the door ".. and so viaa, the two games are at 5 am a patrol of x along the sea and of all places where they had passed with Patty who parked the car suspected of shining points in Selma and Selma with lights coming down .. we found a patrol caps, beads, bottles and a myriad of useless things, but nn our keys ... and then it was obvious that would be our fate: another desperate night in the car ... so we placed in front of a bathroom accident, clearly disrupting the activity of a loving couple who hated us and an old man who ran in the dark with a metal detector (no one has understand what he was doing, in any case we now No wonder more than anything) .. sleep was slow in coming, even xchè we were gripped by doubt: how we were going to break the lock?? we should buy some pliers, but was not even told that we could break it, since the thickness ...

And then again .. seminsonne night and the morning so the two left, anxious to resolve the matter, shall be borne by one of the field nom ... er, camping.
Selma during the night in cars, in yet another improbable search of the key (turn on the light every 5 minutes urlacchiando "but somewhere Eee!! DEEEEVE be quiiiii deeeeveeee!" And mess up the passenger compartment) had found a tool that both were judged to be useful in desperation (when I think I'm still laughing ahah !!).. contraption was a kind of nano x hacksaw to cut the paper stopper wine (which is fundamental in a car) and two thought, no one knows how optimism taken from where you can saw off the lock with that thing .. so the next morning, they are placed in front of the tent with miniaffarino am, trying to ridicule a company which had (+ Would have been likely to escape from prison by digging a tunnel with a teaspoon), until a grumpy woman brings dell'accampam .. er, trailer side nn pity lent us his tongs (in addition to garden gnomes and planters had reach of even those, for me and if you asked a mouflon
straw was when he had that too) .. well, anyway thanks to the providential help of the lady, we finally split ... the zipper of the tent (s nn the lock will remain LIFETIME attached to the tent of Patty as a warning imperishable) and we x the first time in slings and fell into a sleep headless ...

The rest of the day is spent, given our fees, almost normal .. we used the first and only two hours of beach in four days (too bad that as soon as the two miserable have finally reached the coveted goal set foot on the sand and sea, not Patty to have broken flip flops ) and rented bikes x Drinking freedom (including freedom and crashing into me, because we rose above the undersigned nn era protozoal) ...
recovered so reserve Selma slippers two sizes in less than we started at 6 with a sort of appetizer, which was then turned into a double drink, then into a bucket of spritz .. and so, stagger and riderecce on our bikes, we reached the Wor & x boyfriend playing miniature golf, too bad they were sober and play hard, while Patty miniciabatte provided with protruding heels and hurled the ball and threw terrible blows on the toes and Selma was seized by sudden panic mixed with feelings of inferiority, of course, came last .. .
The day ended with the usual happy hour from where the two were semiastenute x too many alcoholic and non-expenditure of the first day, all topped with a puff of superacquazzone model puppet that was the crowning touch of the tragic Patty .. stay, as all the previous days when it rained, it was again in slippers, and her complaints have pity on the guy on duty, who has offered to lend Etnies its size 44 slippers in exchange for the poor girl .. tried to be courteous and make compliments "but noooo .. but fighiuuurati! but No worry, I'm fine cosìììì .." but nn is served .. and everything was now finished with sticky crisis by defaulting in Selma and Patty knew where to look and nn that was around the bathroom crawling with x 5 sizes of boots that seemed more mouse ...

But all's well that ends well ... and what's wrong just so good .. well, just remember it does die laughing, so that's okay !!^__^