Friday, September 19, 2008

How To Make Wahoo Board


give birth every two months after a useless result of my daily news and pictures from fantasy ..... pardon the extreme lightness of the subject, is a crap ... but I submit to you sisters and friends a question that haunts me: do you think it is possible that, among so many deserving plaintiffs, including many good and pretty girl, the ' actress' s years "is this one ??????
For the record is Rumer Willis, daughter of Demi Moore and Bruce ... I've seen acting eh nn ... I do not know how, maybe it's also good !.... but ... watching them .. I doubt that the huge rises mami and papi have given a significant nudge the young infant. I know it sounds a post
pure gossip, but really wanted to express my disgust for the world as recommended in Hollywood as in Italy ... and only nn in film, we prove to the work .... is it possible?
Anyway, passatemela, nn I could hold for me is ... what will the weather that depresses me, that will be here every day is more delusional thoughts come out sti ...
chau! Kiss to everyone!


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