Incredibly'm alive .. but my computer still seems no, I have to do x in a minipost from work (the first coming! Commitment that) .. I called x know his fate, but I was just told that NN is ready (thanks to chez, because I've got the NN had guessed too) .. my question about when it will be xò got the answer NN I know ... I would say considering the cost of call that I was money well spent O___O Anyway the fact is that here I expect long periods of abstinence, and so I spent a greet you and say that even if nn seems, there are .. and I look at you in silence)! ! Tonight I and BDP is going to frolic with our usual Poppen .. try to put photos, but given the precarious situation, we guarantee ;)!!! nn soon! (SPEROOOOO. ..:/)
Hello everyone! It 'so long that I do not write on this blog that in a bit' I do not remember how I miss you more! I am a blogger wretch, I admit (and I regret it!), But between commitments, laziness and an evil invention ESPECIALLY (which shall remain nameless because you all know what I mean) that has absorbed all my mental faculties and not, the time remaining to me is very little ... and sometimes, beyond time, it is the desire to write will fail. It was a bit 'cmq I thought of writing something, just to let you know that I'm still alive despite the silence ... and what better time could there be than that of disgraced cheerfully for the umpteenth time?! : D All this preamble to say that .... time passes, but HAS THE Nooo! Today I combined one of my ... one of those beautiful figures that make you want to be David Copperfield to make PUFF! and suddenly disappear ..
Appointment at about six and a half at the airport to greet our friend Anna, who has to leave for Dublin ... the sisters are at work, so decided to go alone. I take the car, I leave, I go. So everything is right, even if the glass is so clouded that I do not see a bat and I have to span hand, because I have not yet figured out how the mechanism works hot air / cold air. Arrival at the airport and start right away to give the best of me ... can not remember whether the departures are on the floor below or above that, well I decided to turn around the roundabout fifty times in hopes of finding a sign that I enlighten (girogirotondo end of the world, the earth falls, all fall down!), I can finally understand that I must go on, go, while continuing to be groped by the glass span increasingly tarnished, try to understand where that is parked e. ........ SBAAANG! O_____O ops ... What was that ?!?!?!? uhm ... it looked from the mirror ... it was that mica yellow metal bar, right? after all, why should there be a metal bar at the entrance of a parking fee? parking and go downstairs to check that everything is fine: the machine (do not know how) is ok, the bar (stupid) as well. Nobody seems to have seen nothing! Fiuuu. Everything seemed to go for the best ... of course ... pity that, having got the ticket, I have not the faintest idea how I'll get out of the parking lot! Time 2 minutes and there's Anna and the other friends and we start to engineer a solution ... First idea: we start moving before the bar and making gestures, hoping that we trade for a car and you get up, it gives us another ticket! ^___^ ... Shame that the bar refuses totally to cooperate ... Ok, abolished! Second idea: I'm stuck behind you when you go out and try to go out well I! uhm .. but add that the bar would fall down?!? is risky ... Ok, abolished! Third idea: one of them out of the car park, back up, he stops in front of the bar, takes the ticket, handed it to me, then instead of entering the car park is taking a step back ... great idea ... but too complicated abolished! now dry of ideas, we realize that the only possible solution is to ask someone what to do, which means even say no 'O____O I prepare myself psychologically to one of the most colossal figures shit of my life and I, together with the other, the (famous) OFFICE PARK, where I find a curious boy who listens to my story and disbelief, continuing to ask "how is it possible? or the bar is raised, or if We go against the machine, remove the screws and falls to the ground !"... and I re-explain that my version, and he is increasingly puzzled (I will be mistaken for a crazy fear) ... At the end cmq ask me some document, gives me a sheet to be filled and I am only pay for parking as long as there was (among other trusting the word!), without asking more! I already expected to pay a jig tariffone But, fortunately, I've gotten with very little. short, in the end all's well that ends well! It is certain that from now on the metal bars are my recurring nightmare, I can feel it!
PS: so much because you realize the absurdity of the situation ..... watch this video!
PPS: sisters, me and Mister Bean cmq obviously we are bound by an inescapable destiny uahuahuah! (Ok, this would be a bit 'long to explain, but take it ... for good!)
now this blog is becoming a gallery of horrors. Shit do not equal or nearly so, because of the thousands of daily chores ... I I never for a moment the first time to put there and say "oh Now I write a nice post!" ... every season of life has its rhythms, I switched from a vegetative state on your home, dragging me in my pajamas for hours on end, to pass virtually by 8 / 9 11 pm outside dall'agognata little house, almost all days and if all goes well ... anyone of you can understand that this precludes a serious and continuous activity of bloggers ... cmq, the creature survives for now, so ... from time to time you will hear from me ... and there are parties and flights of fancy of my warped mind, like the previous one and how I am going to give you, written in a full day of work I'm a second time, row after row, floor plan. Obviously it is a crap, do not expect anything that ... seems, think about it, I is against the (bad) spoiled children that pass over the other to the sound of push. That's it. Also applies to the fair, only that the extreme ugliness, in such cases, it makes me even more evident for the rot that lies behind it. Smentitemi well, I'm all ears ... Allllordunque. You are all aware of my love for visceral rocker SOME of our parts ... the man of the year (and was a ...!!!!), only one who holds in his person and the myth contradictions of modernity, the transgressive character out of the ordinary, which ignites the crowds with fantastic verameeente beautiful pieces, which makes alternative but then everybody likes, that every year a sbaraccare of money always filling stages (Mah ....!) and that, as a good middle-aged, so generously, like any self-respecting father, in trying to fix the adored son. latter, the offspring, is at pains to say he does not want to mix his career with his father, who has never taken advantage of the reputation of the parent who wants to keep the two aspects of his life quite separate. Ok, there is. But then he opens the concerts of his father, FA MODEL soon became famous, and just happened is in the movie that is titled a famous (and beautiful because OLD) song of the popes. Stresses with emphasis on all the media that the interview that the fact that the director has chosen him is not derived from the fame of our dear parents and the obvious connections between it and the (memorable) film, but was done after countless auditions and just because his was the face (!!!!!) they sought. short, he has climbed in one way or another, thousands of claimants prepared, talented, with a mess behind and above all ... watchable. Tell me, I have no words.