Friday, January 21, 2011

Discjuggler Setup Keeps Saying Reboot System

It 's true that it seems to me is taking it easy. But if it 'a good month that I do not update this space is not' cause I'm doing a long winter vacation. At the beginning and 'was like a leaky faucet a drop every now and then. Then a little 'more' drops. A ticking continuously. Drop by drop, I realized that I had to tap changed or are translated into the maintenance phase-reset-re-incubation screaming frenzy-autism-pleased-in overdose Käsekuchen - which translated means: do not pull air but we optimistic. And in fact as a sign of good luck a few days ago out of my bag and 'surfaced at a loose key (Leaving aside for the moment my relationship with the keys, calmly again maybe) which I said absolutely do not know the provenance, let alone what ever can go to open, but it 's so that you research it? (O 'the other way around?) Bah!
Anyway if I do not like and '' cause I'm busy to follow anything ...

" At that time they danced in the streets like crazy, and I followed them with difficulty as I have done all my life with people who interest me, because the only people who are there for me are the mad ones, the insane desire to life, words, salvation, the insane and quite quickly, those who never yawn and say never m. .. banality to burn, burn, burn like fabulous fireworks yellow exploding like spiders over the stars and in the middle you see the blue light pop and everybody goes "Oooooh! .

Jack Kerouac, On the Road


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