Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Best Way To Masterbade


My usual way of free association: page on Facebook (appeal by the way: plant feisbuc to write that the n-th time is no more 'laugh) I find you a new page dedicated to the theater and science. Cute, I say, we do a tour and a video from beak Life of Galileo. And here starts my first mental link to an article I read today on Query talking about astrology. In reality 'the hook and I' came 'cause reading the piece one of the comments in the queue made me think. I always wonder in front of the debates that arise around these issues, but like I fall from I wonder, but it 's possible? Marco reason, translation staff: there is no 'limit for the worst, even to stupidity', contrary to the usual fried simplifications based on the air. The fact that certain phenomena have not yet been clearly explained by science is always to food, and even to confirm the belief in many more 'bizarre. Usually in front of an unusual responsibility 'is attributed to:-god allah- and the like, fate (unspecified), an alien way, those who have not paid attention to the predictions of Nostradamus, the Maya at the moment migrated to another dimension, scientists conspiracy, the planets were not aligned properly. Aligned? But we're kidding? Anyways, 'you read the question and answer in Article tail in my head you've made other space considerations. Andrea Ferrero noted that another aspect that is often not considered and 'the human. That is, persons who come to astrology and homeopathy, and I would also add several other things mentioned above, they do not so much because 'convinced of their validity' more 'or less rational than because' in search of a way, a more 'reassuring. True. I am sure, but at this point I really wonder what the underlying problem. Today
the enlightened piece of Daniela Ovadia reminded me of yet another folly of our actions: the establishment of the day were made of vegetation, however, coincide with the anniversary of the death of Eluana. As we said there is no 'limit for the worst. What does it matter now that you're asking. And 'I thought about how the fear and emotionalism' guide our actions. I thought about how we can become irrational of the unknown, suffering, fear of what 'we can not understand and control. And then I thought also how vulnerable we are and despite everything that we can not take care of each other. Scavenging and 'the word that struck me today. It 's a constant.
We need things explained to us are otherwise not easily understand, we are stupid, emotional, irrational, superstitious, we are reminded of others only when it suits us or we are wrong. We are a proud of banality 'with the presumption of being able to decide for others. And 'I thought that maybe in a society' based more 'on listening to the people would not need the astrologers, or go to a homeopath to feel better assisted. And maybe you do not call into question the ability 'to choose what to do with your body, but rather the availability' of information and appropriate assistance. And maybe in a society 'of this kind would be a bit' more 'able to talk with ourselves, with our ghosts and accept that some things maybe a direction and we do not have to give it up to us. Meanwhile, the planets are still the most 'of the time not to be aligned correctly and I still wonder what the underlying problem (but maybe I'm wrong question.)


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