I hope that tomorrow will not be snowing since this is well in third place in one day (not too abituatevici xò eh? That we are not always so active!; D)
obviously not is nothing clever, nor even of challenging ... in short, require the use of up to half maximum neuron, where x, even if it's late, rest assured that we do it! ;)
fuckin 'around the web, I had yet another evidence that the antics on the network there is no end (or maybe we are like magnets that attract?? boh, who knows?)! The fact is that, after the names of places of absurd ' another post, I discovered that there are other places with names rather bizarre ...
(which I wonder, really exist? O___O if you know them, please, tell me that I am curious to know where!)

ps: I do not know what your favorite, but the stream leap the old, for me, trumps all!! : D
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