bloggers know that the world is waiting for our guide mid-August .... be patient, as well as the left forward with commitments, which slow the course of the monumental work. waiting for a familiar moment of hilarity and fantozziana sfigaggine .... I think it's appropriate, sometimes not too much, use this form to talk about things I say serious, I mean VITAL. nn know about you, but I still fixed in the mind images of that 'accident on the A4 a few weeks ago. I do not know about you, but lately, when I drive and I put thousands of problems for my health and that of others, I can not help but think of how many, however, went SODDING. Chronicles of shit full of facts, or evidence that nn dare to comment on. I just want to put this video because it has left me speechless, because obviously there are people in the world with his brain full of sawdust, because no one can imagine such scenes. how many times the wrong exit? you would never something like that? unguided and tons of trucks, at least not all. look here, what's left in the world advances. but it is not ours, that makes you smile and have fun, innocent time of stupidity and jokes. HAS THAT KILLS. or just the usual cunning that kills Italy.
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