Sunday, August 10, 2008

Rose Garden Seating Row And Seat Numbers

I finished LEAVE ....

series ... as time goes on! ... I think yesterday that esultaaaaavo!! All happy! Greeted colleagues! aloa !!!!! Long time no riveeedeeeee!! adios! saludos amigos!! poooi we meet again !!!!!!
and I am back here.
-_-.... bah ... ok, these were the shortest vacations of my life (and think about it ... with a little '... I shudder to MEEEESI countless other years and ... cmq, nn even if they were .... INFINITI MONTHS WHEN AND HOW I WANTED .... already changed a bit 'all over me .... I would have gladly remained at sea a couple of days, to put it all. .....)... but ... the court or the court have flown! 10 days to knock your !!!!!! aaaargh!! Are incredulos ...
good (bad) go to bed ... I hope I remember to go to work tomorrow, I do not see much convinced ....

(as a welcome back gift I found in little hole a notice of recommended .... a nice multinational? that red light than a month ago?? a bell'autovelox?? so, to re-start with joy? discover the next day .... but I'm already done my dire predictions .....)
Hello everyone!


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