we are reckoning.
minds blurred and inconclusive patty selma for you and try to rebuild our suuuper wilde long weekend of August. we do 4 hands, in fact, 2 brains, so as to combine the available gray matter and try to get a decent result ... even if this process on vacation did not help much, as you can determine .... selma, aided by the high fever (which makes it hilarious and stupidly active ... for hours until it collapsed on the bed he slept 14 hours last night ... ... is yet another posthumous of the exhausting day we are going to tell?) is already slowly forgetting, so make haste.
Thursday is a Thursday afternoon ... sunny and hot ... the whole Italian people, or at least, the entire building where Selma works, look forward to and continuously forecast. seems no good. and oh well, who cares, we try. and away! megasupergigacorsaacasa after work, shower to knock, suitcase, bags Small bags bags (how much stuff !!!!) inutileeeeee selma and patty ..... you sling from the two unfortunate off into the unknown. find their way clear, Bazza parking, free shuttle to the submarine ... okay! everything perfect!!
and so begins the madness of the evening of August, without damage, waaay more successful than the disastrous August 14, 2007, an evening that would define ... perfect! happy, drunk but not sick, so
............................................... .........
A CROWD ON BUT NO !!!!!! the last bus was coming and we would not have been maaaaaaai !!!!!! here! here! the sapeeeevaaaamo!! could not go all liiiscio ..... not us ......
............................................... .........
the shuttle goes and goes.
there and we, like salami.
adddddio ... parking is lontanoooooo !!!!-_-! THE
but ... Patty and Selma's ass! (Meaning lucky ..... well paid in the following days but we could not know )!!!! A couple of Bologna on the 35, two guys kind and extremely available, accompany us to the car! Anyone who gave a ride to anyone ........ and they give it to us?? bah!! we do not think twice, and in 10 minutes we are at our house on wheels ^ _ ^! the famous "cube" of Selma for the occasion turns into a perfect house, complete with curtains and couches "comfortable" ... the two girls are playing with intrippano nintendo ds, eat, laugh, make foooooto. ... and then decide and try to force himself to sleep, now it was day ..... and who knows how to sleep here ....
and instead, there was no accomplice in the sun, the light breeze that filtered through the newspapers and the discrete Brescia patty and selma the ... if the two blissful sleep, waking every now and talking a bit '(!!!) and then fall asleep for hours .... and until one o'clock, when there were only now in the mega-parking their ...... ! auks are made pursuant to, and after having lunch with plenty (...) residues fonzies horrendous and corn snacks (nb: Mid-August Lunch)
you decide to raise "the curtains". .. to go camping and mount the real one, not before xò Selma has said that the famous last words, then turned out to be a deadly curse, "patty heck, we're all going to be God! parking, we have not lost nor injuries or brain, the move over here The sleep for me ... until one hour shoot at a minimum the law of retaliation !!"... Never truer words were .. and soon discover xchè ...
with great thirst (NEVER THAT WE HAVE WATER!) And the sum pee and diverse needs, to show leadership and selma viaaaa! we lose a bit 'but soon we reach our "wonderful" camp (and here there would be a sound effect ... like a little music .... fantozzi or the drop in head type manga ...)... We got in line immediately e. .. We realize that we are surrounded by people ... ORRRRENDA the front of our campsite was fichisssssimo, with bike / pool / resort / etc, bold young surf churned by hand or the pretty girls all dressed beeeene ... our ... ...... UDDI, there are no words! I think that, for a good half hour in line at the reception, Selma has had to deal with an autistic child and that candle is cleaned in the bag of your beloved but not very patient friend, laughing at random, jumping, nipping ... .. HELL!! finally we can get a ticket and enter .... PIAA, at a walking pace uooooomo ......... ...... and finally arrived at our camping paradise ......... .... precisely point to the toilet. attached to the tubes, a narrow open space, dusty, unhealthy and IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CASINO, at the height of water balloon fight. unique among Canadian multi-family tents, with grandparents, uncles, children, dogs, cats, Nanette DA gardens and flowers, baked pasta and steaming grates. zero grass, hot dogs, two small sisters worse than ever, just two shits, that mount on the ground that their terrible poor tent, arguing with kids with evil intentions (if wet ... I think we'd REALLY patty killed .... his eyes were bloodshot .....)... onion for an hour complaining and verbiage necessary and in the end we are, all located in a tent, stretched the wire to hang out, we shower and semi decent .... okay, miraculously everything is fine. we prepare going to the beach!! YYEEEEEEE beeen !!!!! .... we close the curtain with the lock, we drive, we get an hour to do one block because ALL were sitting in the middle of MARONI, GRANDPARENTS DOGS, CATS, CHILDREN! bags of shadows! balloons! barbecue! AND ALL THAT ARE WATCHING EVIL! bah ... cmq, As soon as we leave the camp, tired but happy to lead a bit 'of healthy life at sea .... ... here it is the cloud. The sun gives way to clouds heavy with rain, we abandon the car after removing the cash from an ATM lost and we were walking in the rain to the toilets in the opposite direction to the hundreds who were leaving. eat (and tantisssimi pesissimi!) sandwiches, Aperitif down with the occasion of his birthday (AUGURIII!) ...
(NDPATTY: hahaha, but that photo eeeee?? ciòòòòò do that?? of series sputtaniamoci happily:)! but the blame lies with selma who said "let's face crushed, then made that mug there and I look like a demented haha!)
short, digressions aside ... not were eager to get to our beloved tent! .... but can go as smooth a patty and selma .......?????? nooooo, obviously the fate is lurking ..... ......
the best of the Assumption of your puppets in the next episode .......... ..;)!
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