... and who's here! As you may have guessed from previous posts, the current state of the left is as follows:
- BDP dispersed to wallow in the waters of Sicily (ominous curses her)
-Selma has just undergone a traumatic return from vacation ... and Patty? Patty is here in Bologna city, was here before and so the x vary 1po menu will continue to stay here, trying to peddle that distinguishes the paleness x a sign of nobility (and all x are those who argue that I was in Zanzibar, I wish you a holiday as my uahuah! Riiicca sunny and pleasant entertainment) ..
Anyway after all this month of August, I thought ultranoioso and interminable, nn is spending too bad, apart from afa ...
To combat the loneliness of living alone and have a good month of boredom in that house, I bought a guinea pig! What xò in two cases that I take it you piss on him in her arms ... yum, I know there's something to be perfected ...:/
Then I spend hours playing with MicroMic my mom, who knows what miracle x, nn bother me and I did not cause the usual sense of impending doom than any other cat me (Is what I know from studying ..) x
Then the rest, apart from the brackets zoo cmq already fills a lot of my days, combat boredom x Bolognese thousand other initiatives have given birth to some very weird .. the truth x . rafting we did (?) culverts in the center (just us!), we met bloggers (photos will follow) and dabbled in the pool .. x while the imminent future plans are even worse ... the mid-August approaches and having regard to previous performances
(x here who if she had lost) we say that we expect the event with a mixture of euphoria and anxiety .. but our series of events in some case you can not stop here .. In fact soon on these screens you can read summaries dell'aquafan delirious, Big Ben, two days in Rimini signed the e. .. three days of camping at the beach and my selma, which for now ... I have tragicomic 1po fear actually haha!
Anyway all in all I'm managing to mislead the boredom of August in a city that + good ... and waiting for more updates, I leave you with a souvenir photo of the mini bloggers meet last Friday!
xche yes, though with a tropical heat and a tube to see and do, and mat Guerny have passed us in the hot Bologna! Was not the ideal climate, a former junta (as you can see from the faces of the picture, in which we worse than the other one) was Friday morning and had slept about three hours each, x nn which we were certainly the best form .. x which we hope to soon be able to replicate in the best condition, maybe even with a beautiful evening, for sure where We vaguely active + x hours of the morning ...;)!! But we are satisfied: D!!

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